Paperless Organizations

The migration to paperless operations varies for many organizations.  Its astonishing how many large organizations are not paperless in 2015.  The problem is paper trails for older organizations are long and sometimes full of holes or business processes that continue to require a paper trail.  In South America its even worse.  Paper trails in large organizations in South America and developing countries are destroying customer service.  In fact paper trails in South America are so bad that if someone looses a receipt they could be out of a product warranty or replacement even if they paid for the service.  We are in 2015 where smart phones can do just about anything and still even cell phone providers are using paper everywhere.  Paperless is something we specialize in and its a very important part of the growth of an organization and with proper planning any business process can migrate into 100% paperless.

Moving to paperless has its challenges.  For example if your organization is working with governments then you are probably still using fax machines and creating paper trails.  Other organizations will slow your migration for sure.  In this case there are some limitations to be able to become 100% paperless.  Although there are many techniques that can be implemented to help reduce the paper trail and increase the security of critical documents.

Paperless organizations have so much benefit over organizations who insist on printing receipts, warranties and emails. Just to name a few faster processing time for their customers, better customer service, less written mistakes, real time monitoring of data and loss prevention in case of fires or natural disasters.

Updated: 04/20/2019 — 11:55 am

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